Have you ever been in a place where you wanted to retain absolutely everything you were experiencing and learning? Have you ever heard someone say something and thought, "If only I had the ability to communicate in such a succinct, yet profound way..."? Have you ever finished reading hundreds of pages and longed for total recall?
All right, by now you probably can't decide if this is really a blog entry or a "memory enhancement" commercial. Honestly though, being in seminary or most any graduate school, I would guess, is fraught with these kind of moments. I am told to take comfort in not so much the day to day intake, but the overarching trajectory of the time spent here. Either way, it's no small request to look over a stack of books and see a future goal.
Before I go, let me leave you with something less weighty. We wanted post more pictures, but then realized we don't have any more pictures worth posting. I suppose we could give a tour of our neighborhood or a photo documentary of the numerous dogs around here, but I don't think if would be the best use your time, nor ours for that matter.